Conference on Technology for People with Disabilities

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to attend CSUN (California State university Northridge; Conference on Technology for People with Disabilities).  Over 6000 people attend this conference annually including over 400 exhibiters. 

While there, I met Mike May of Sendero Group.  Mike has developed a number of technologies for people without sight, and donated a MiniGuide, made in Australia,  to the Blind Fishing Boat.  I also met the fine folks from New Zealand who were there representing another hand-held sonar device called K-Sonar.  K-Sonar is produced by Bay Advanced technologies (BAT).  BAT was also gracious enough to send me one of their units to try out on the Boat. 

Many international contacts were made during the show and old friends visited, but I think the highlight of the show for me was meeting Stevie Wonder.   Stevie was quite interested to hear about my boat and later had me as a guest on his weekly radio show to talk about the Boat. 

Stevie Wonder and Lawrence Euteneier inside Stevie’s radio studio
(Stevie Wonder and Lawrence Euteneier inside Stevie’s radio studio)

I spent an hour with Stevie and his Posse in his L.A. radio studio live on air.  Stevie was so impressed with what I was doing he offered the first three blind people who called in free talking GPS systems.  I ended the interview by inviting Stevie up to Canada to do some fishing.

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